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Welcome to year 2012, the year with great promises.

Every year comeS with its challenges and blessings. While others are crying that a year is bad, others smile to the bank always.

So what makes others cry while others laugh in a year with great promises such as this?
It all depends on how we start our year. How well did you lay the foundation of your year in order to reap the benefits this year promises?

Are you depending on chance or luck?
Let me tell you my FRIEND, in our present world, nothing works on chance or luck. You either plan for or be prepared to fail! You either pay the price OR you don't deserve the prize!

The year has just began: have you draw up your plan for the year? Or are you waiting for manna to fall from heaven?
The days of manna are no more! This is the time of fending for yourself.
And how will you fend for yourself when you don't have a well written plan to guide you in your life dealings?

My dear, start this year with a plan. A simple plan will do - something as simple as this:
* I'll spend more time with my family this year.
* I'll ensure I help my son/daughter with her school work this year
* etc.

* I'll add another source of income to my major income to help in improving my family living standard.
= Alternative sources of income =
- Work at home businesses: Data entry, Virtual Assistant, etc
* I will sale my second car to raise money to start a business.
* Etc...

* I'll study the word of God everyday morning and evening before going to bed.
* I'll teach my children the ways of God
* I'll fast every Friday
* Etc...

* I'll attend courses this year to improve my earning
* Etc...

* I must learn a new language this year
* I'll make sure I read a new book every week
* Etc...

A simple plan like the format above can go a long way in guiding you to the prosperity door of year 2012.

After identifying the areas you want to work on (like above), analyze the situation critically and develop alternative measures/areas that will help you in achieving your goal(s) for the year and select the best alternatives that are feasible.

Writing down a plan is NOT ENOUGH! You must follow the plan strictly and make changes along the way where necessary.


Have a glorious year. My promise is: I'll always be by your side to give you my best; so keep visiting this blog and post comments where necessary, as well as tweet, facebook or email the blog to your love ones - You'll will never know "the block that will complete their building".



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