The key to successful business is a steady customer base. After all, successful businesses typically see 80 percent of their business come from 20 percent of their customers. Too many businesses neglect this loyal customer base in pursuit of new customers. However, since the cost of attracting new customers is significantly more than what is required to maintain your relationship with existing ones, your efforts toward building customer loyalty will certainly payoff. The following are ten success tips on how to build and sustain customer loyalty: #1. Communicate Whether it is an email newsletter, monthly flier, a reminder card for a tune up, or a holiday greeting card, reach out to your steady customers. When you are constantly in touch with your customers, it creates an ambience of camaraderie and a sense of appreciation, the situation that can always guarantee you such a customer’s loyalty. #2. Customer service Go the extra mile and meet your customers’ needs...
Your life is your business, make it work!