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Knoweledge as a Base for Starting a Business

Sir Francis Bacon once said "knowledge is power". I support his viewpoint completely. Because the pursuit of knowledge is an important ingredient for success in every endeavour in our lives.

Knowledge in business provides you with guidance to make sound judgments, to formulate decisions and to run your business effectively. Business knowledge provides context. It helps us to understand when to act, when not to act, what should be done, what ought not to be done, when it should be done, where it should be done and how to do it so as to optimize effectiveness.
From this perspective, knowledge is not simply a higher level of information, it is the guide which helps us use or process data and information to deliver optimum results. Lets look at ways to access knowledge:

By researching on your business idea, you acquire the required knowledge before you start a business.  All the drive and determination in the world are not going to help you if you don't have the knowledge to actually run a successful business and you don't bother to research and plan for the success of your business.
A friend of mine had long dreamed of running a fruit juice processing factory. Eventually he did. Unfortunately though, he didn't bothered to study the competition or the demographics of the market in the area. It took less than a year for his fruit juice factory to fail. He had the desire and the drive, but he didn't have the knowledge he needed to run the business.

When you really want to achieve success in anything especially business, you have to observe the trend of the market and demand situation. What did customers want? How do they want their services delivered? How do they want their product packaged? Observed what other businesses especially in your niche area are doing. Look at successful companies and see what they are doing differently from the pack of others that is giving them good reputation amongst customers. By so doing, you will gain first hand knowledge of what you should also do to be success.

Purpose Driven Reading
I am sure you have heard the statement "readers are leaders!". I am not talking about just reading any kind of book that you lay your hands on. The kind of reading that produce result has to do with materials in line with your business venture. My expertise and exploits in business today is as a result of the books I read and the trends of things I observed.

Learn from the Big Bosses.
What I mean by this is identify a companies that are doing what you want to be doing, but on a larger scale and copy their best ideas. If you can, modify the ones you see lapses in them. This is a strategy that every successful company or individual applies. You can subscribes to the company's services or products. Or become a distributor of their products to learn how they run their business.  You may also become a vendor in the company, so as to be close to them and learn whatever you can.

Find a Mentor
Get a mentor who can provide you with long-term support. But choose someone who has been there, with actual relevant experience as opposed to someone simply being paid to offer advice they once read in a book.  You need a relevant practitioner, not a generic advisor.

Most importantly, your lack of knowledge should never stop you from starting. You can hire the best brain in the field to work for you - to run your business for you. There is never a day when I don't come across something I don't know, that could help improve my business. 
Secondly, concentrate and build on your strength, let others handle what you are not good at.


Unknown said…
Such a nice article, Very informative and Its a great thing that you have shared this kind of info.

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