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6 Things that will make you a Superstar in 2014

In life generally, everybody wants to be loved, reverend, cherish, respected, honored and adored, but only few people ever achieve that status. So why do only few people ever get adored, honored, respected, reverend or loved? There must be something that makes them stand out from the crowd. After taking so long a time to observed and study successful people who earned the respect of other people, I discovered the following things that I am going to share with you below. Note however that, not everybody that is “successful” in a way earned the honor, respect, love and reverence other people. There are people who are successful in their own rights but when the pass the street, other people spit on them. 

So what makes some people revered by others?

Take for instance, the late Mandela of South Africa who was loved, cherished, revered, honored, respected and adored by not just South Africans but the whole world. So what really makes him different from other people? You want to be like Mandela? Then start from now on by doing the followings:

1. Give more than you receive – If you read the history of Mandela, he was incaserated and imprison for over 27 years for his love for his people and his country. He was giving to his people and country more than he ever received. Even though he became the president of his country South Africa, he only did a tenure of 4 years and thereafter continue to offer selfless services to his fatherland till his death. Do you want to get a superstar status and earn the adoration of your people? Then give more than you will ever receive!
2. Love without barriers – Love is God! And God is Love! Are you confused? Never confuse the fake love people confess these days and never confuse the real love with the sexual love profess by the genders. Real love has no barrier! It has no hate and never keeps records of wrongs. The best definition of real love is found in the Holy Bible in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. You don’t have a Bible?! Get one for yourself. I know some of you will not like that, but when you know the truth, the truth will set you free.

3. If you can't win, help others to win – Do not struggle to win praises for yourself. Whatever you can’t achieve but it is in your power to help other achieve it, then, do it. It doesn’t matter who takes the glory. What matters is somebody has achieved something. You have something somebody else is wishing to have to make his or her life better and to you, that thing is as good as useless. There are some of you who have clothes that have never been worn for over a year, but right in front of your house is a beggar or a neighbor dress in rags. Why don’t you put a smile on his face?

4. Remove "self - me" and put we! – Selfishness is what you see everywhere you go. Selfishness is what still put some countries with a tag of “Third World Countries”. In this era where wealth can be generated from virtually anything, some countries are sitting on heaps of wealth and are still carrying that forbidden tag. No citizen of Nigeria has a business with poverty because of the vast natural wealth the country is endowed with. But there are more poverty stricken people in Nigeria than countries ravaged by war. What is the cause? It all boiled down to selfishness by few men and women in power who feels the country is their birthright and belongs to them only. This selfishness by few privileged individuals is found in every country of the world.

5. Consult God in prayers before taking a step – call it religious fantasy or whatever, the truth must be told. The different between an ignorant person and a wise person is in what the other don’t know and the other knows. When you consult God (the Almighty, the Creator, the Omnipotent, Omniscience, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End) in everything you do, you will never make a mistake. Have you ever seen somebody that has never made a mistake in his or her life? It is that person that doesn’t make a decision until he consult God for an answer!
6. Never incite violence, be a peacemaker – these days the in-thing is to use the social media to incite the people against one another or the government. If your intentions are not for a just cause but to create disharmony, you are heading for doom! That man or woman who will earn the respect, love and honor of the people is the one that brings peace not violence.
Meditate, practice it and implement the above to bring you into the superstar status or supercharge your superstar status. Information is never power until you use the information you have to empower yourself. Peace!


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