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Cultivating the Billionaire’s mind in business

Many people in different countries of the world have gradually moved from the realm of millions to billions. Most budgets now are done in billions. There are so many books on becoming a millionaire. It’s high time you become a billionaire-in-training so as to become a billionaire indeed. I will show you how to go about it. Adjust your seat very well for you are about to discover something that will change your life FOR REAL!!!

To start with, the billionaire thinks and acts differently; therefore, let’s start with the thinking process of a billionaire-in-making.

Ralph Waldo Emerson assert that “everything begins with a thought”. Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day.  What we think determines who we are. John Locke also said, ‘who we are determines what we do’. The action of man remains the best interpreter of his thought.

Good thinkers are great money makers.  A person who knows how, will always have a job, but a person who thinks and knows why, will always be his boss. Good thinkers solve a problem that attracts billions.  Great thinkers never lack idea that can shape and move forward an organization. It is extremely difficult to be a billionaire – in – process without being great thinker and vice versa. It is hard to find a millionaire/billionaire that is not a great thinker.

Research of over 40 years show that what is common with all millionaire and billionaires is the way they think. Great thinking = a billionaire.

Why you should change your thinking
·         Great thinking makes you great
·         Great thinking create opportunities
·         Great thinking makes your revenue great
·         Great thinking swell your bank account
·         Great thinking solve small and big problems
·         Great thinking makes you operate among great people
·         Great thinking removes you from among small people
·         Great thinkers are great leaders
·         Great thinkers are needed in every place on earth
·         Great thinkers are the one making great money
·         Great thinkers are billionaires at least in the making
·         Great thinking changes your entire life

Facts about the Billionaire thinking pattern
·         Thinking like a billionaire is not just happening by wishing or all of a sudden. It is not automatic. Great money making ideals are usually scarce.  For you to think like a billionaire, you have to work very well and hard towards it. Research shows that you are as rich as the amount of great money thinking you are already doing.
·         Thinking like a billionaire is hard. It is not easy, it is difficult, but it can be learned.  The only people who believe thinking is easy are poor people because they do not think; they just copy business or ideas.  This is one of the reasons you noticed that when a new business idea starts in developing economy, nearly everybody wants to start and copy it.  Once one person starts others copy, it is an indication that they are not thinking.
·         Poor people = do not think, they just copy others.
·         Average people = copy people with little addition
·         Wealthy people = great thinkers.
·         In fact, poor people talks about other people.
·         Average people talk about issues
·         Great people talk about ideas.
·         Great thinking or thinking like a billionaire worth the investment.  You can never be richer than your great thinking ability. Businesses can run dry, an economy can experience meltdowns, the stock market can crash, real estate may not give expected returns, but the well developed thinking process of a billionaire mind can never run out. It is of great and life time value.

Developing the Billionaire’s mind
Do you want your bank account to swell?
Do you want your thinking to bring in money, big money for you?
Then follow these secrets.
·         Rake into yourself good materials: The first way to start the process is by reading selected good materials and learning from great tapes and CDs.  Read good books, newspapers, trade magazines, go to website like this one you’re reading this article, attend great meetings, readers are leaders, billionaires do not books and dump them.  They buy books, read it and even mark the book and they listen to powerful tapes and CDs over and over again.  You must stick to this principles to become a billionaire.
·         Relate with Great Thinkers: Spend time with other billionaires, chat about ideas. You can hardly grow or be richer than your circle of wealth or circle of influence.  Your friend is an indication of your future.
·         Resolve to think great: Determine to think in a billionaire way. Think great intentionally make it a priority.  This type of thinking is a discipline.
·         Run with great thoughts: Eddie Rickenbacker remark “I can use a six –word formula for success: Their – Louis Bergson asserted that a person should ‘think like a man of action – act like a man of thought. Ideas are usually for a while; it will not tarry, so run with it. What good is great thinking without life application?
·         Roll the process over and over again: One, thinking like a billionaire cannot change your life; you need to do it over and over again. You need great thinking over and over again to make a financial breakthrough and success as a billionaire.  People that do one time great thinking cannot maintain being wealthy for life.  You need to be thinking continually like a billionaire to eventually land in land of 10 figure amount in your bank account.
·         Capitulate over idea every 2 hours: Think over the billionaire idea for 2 hours every week for a start, and then move to one full day of full thinking like a billionaire at the beginning of every year.
·         Right place is needed to think: I think great when I’m alone laying quietly on my bed without distraction from anybody. I think great if am alone at a beach or surrounded with nature.  Right think to think + right thinking + right places + right time + right reason = the right result. Raise a platform for your thought.

6 ways to becoming a billionaire:
#1. Do thinking to develop wealth through the big picture wall for your desired billions.
#2. Write yourself your desired dollar or pounds check of a billion at least from your check booklet and write at the back the work for which you want them to pay you.
#3. Paste it on a wall or where you can see it every day.
#4. Lay hands on it every day, thinking of a service you do and they will pay you in that check of billions and pray like that.
#5. Get a picture of your desired future in terms of house, cars and so on and paste it on your wealth wall.
#6. Do the concentrated thinking:
·         Focus on thinking on a particular goal.
·         Focus on thinking a particular goal till you get it clearly
·         Focus on thinking a particular goal till clarity makes you take action.
·         Focus to think on priority
·         Remember anything popular = normal = average
·         Remember that: our thoughts determines our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy.
·         You are today where your thought has brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thought takes you – James Allen
·         People who go to the top think differently than others.  Nothing limits achievement like small thinking, nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking – Williams Anther Ward.

The Secrets of Making Your Bank Account Swell:
·         Change your thinking
·         Change your belief, your step will change
·         Then your expectations will change
·         Then your attitude will change
·         Then your behavior will change
·         Then your performance will change
·         Then your bank account will change.


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