Many stagnant, unproductive and struggling families abound today, because we have allowed the enemies of progress to gradually creep in and take over in the home.
These enemies of progress have been allowed to disrupt and destroy the power of the family to move forward; unfortunately, people involved in families often leave these destroyers unchallenged. Let’s check out these enemies of family progress:
#1. Faulty Foundation: Too many families cannot achieve real progress because of their faulty family foundation. A family built on sex, money, beauty, wealth etc cannot but crash in the face of challenges of life.
#2. Disobedient to God: A family that is fond of disobeying God can never move forward. Disobedience to God through non-payment of vows and offerings, adultery, etc can also cause stagnation in families. If they are not prepared to change, they may not enjoy divine grace.
#3. Ignorance: This is another enemy of progress in the family. What you don’t know may be destroying your family. Ignorance of couples about sex, love, in-laws handling financial intelligence and crisis management etc can destroy any marriage anytime, any day.
#4. Wrong Association: It is better to be alone than with wrong people. Anybody that doesn’t encourage you to love your spouse is not a friend but an enemy. Anybody that hates your spouse should not be your friend no matter how close he or she may be.
#5. Third party: Never allow a third party into your marriage. Third party is always the wrong party; your children, friends, parents, pet, housemaid, neighbors are all third parties in your marriage, and they should not be allowed to take over your marriage.
#6. Demonic Activities: Believe or not the devil is the number one enemy of marriages. He attacks the marriage with evil things like sicknesses, retrenchment, failure, death, poverty, bad friends, barrenness, constant argument etc. Be prayerful, never be ignorant of the devices of the enemies. Rise against him, fight against him. Victory is yours forever.
#7. Unforgiving: Offence will definitely come, this is natural; but when couples refuse to forgive each other, they open the door for the enemy to come in and destroy the home.
#8. Failure to Submit: As a woman, if you refuse to submit to your husband, you will turn your home into a battlefield – a play ground for the enemy; thereby retarding the breakthrough and break forth of the family. If you cannot submit to a man, you cannot exist with him.
#9. Failure to Love: Real men do love their wife, mere men don’t love theirs. Real men do kiss their wives, mere men kick their own. If you fail to love your wife, you are blocking your breakthrough.
#10. Failure to leave and cleave: Couples that fail to leave their parents and cleave to each other are the enemies of themselves. Leave your parents, cleave to each other. Live together in love and harmony.
#11. Infidelity: This is another enemy of a blissful home. When unfaithfulness enters a marriage, it will go to its foundation and destroy everything that makes it strong. It destroys trust, erodes love and breed hatred, strife, vengeance and an unforgiving spirit.
Couples should learn to stick to each other instead of doting after anybody outside their marriage. Women are not different, men are the same. Everything you need about sex is loaded in your wife or husband with security. Sleeping around can destroy your marriage or even cost you your life.
#12. Vengeance: An unforgiving spirit is the mother of vengeance. Vengeance continues a cycle of evil and pulls down the wall of love, acceptance, communionship, companionship, intimacy and unity. Vengeance prolongs bitterness and bickering. If you are in the habit of taking vengeance against your spouse, you will end up destroying your marriage and put an end to your own peace.
#13. Lack of trust: No trust, no relationship. When trust departs, love goes with it and the marriage becomes the worse for it. Do everything to build trust in your marriage, never do anything that could make your spouse doubt your sincerity or anything that could build distrust. Tell the truth, never tell lies. Trust is always difficult to build after it has been destroyed.
#14. Visionless Leadership: When a husband lack vision, direction, focus and purpose, the marriage will really flounder. No family can experience progress when the family head is visionless and unfocused.
#15. Clinging to Tradition: Any family that is based on old, barbaric and outdated culture can never move forward. A culture that treats wives as properties or slaves and makes the man a dictator is not a progressive one; a culture that frowns at unity/closeness between husband and wife or that forbids husband and wife from staying in the same room or discourages the husband from supporting the wife with household chores, cooking, or caring for the baby, is an ungodly culture and a destructive tradition.
#16. Bad Communication: Communication is the backbone of any relationship. When communication departs, frustration sets in. Positive communication breeds positive relationship; negative communication breeds bad and combative marriage. Secrecy breeds fear, distrust and suspicion. Openness breeds love, understanding, acceptance, adjustment, encouragement, intimacy, oneness and unity. Two cannot agree except they communicate. Develop your communication skill if you want to be a success in marriage.
#17. Bad Parenting: This is another enemy of family progress. No family can move forward if the parents lacks divine wisdom to lead their children. Most parents do not know the difference between bearing and raising children; hence they end up raising disobedient and delinquent children.
#18. Poverty: Money answereth all things, poverty is a marriage killer, it debars family progress and separates lovers. Pray against poverty, work hard, put your mind to work, do not shut down. Think your ways out of poverty. Manage money wisely, do not be wasteful; be faithful to God, pay your tithe, and unlock divine blessings by giving to God and the poor.
#19. Bareness: Bareness is another thing that retards family progress. Many people allow bareness to separate them or cause disaffection among them. This should not be so. Stay together, war against the enemy of your faithfulness. Do not destroy your marriage because of infertility. You are not barren; you will have your own baby in due time.
#20. Bad character: Bad character traits like pride, anger, dirtiness, stealing, laziness, oversleeping, talkativeness, lying, drunkenness etc can destroy any marriage, hence repair your character, rebuild your habits if you truly desire a glorious marriage.