The market for cartons is very wide. Carton is used in packing a variety of items churned out from the factory. Drugs must be packaged before they are stocked or made available for sale. Soap manufacturers too cannot do without cartons for the same purpose.
The same can be said of shoes, cosmetics’, electrical gadgets, and electronic equipment. There is hardly commodity that does not need carton for its packaging.
Machinery and equipment required for designing and making a paperboard carton include cutting and creasing machine and the sticking machine. A printing machine is also required to print the labels and specifications of the product.
However, investors are advised to be careful in their plant selection decisions in order to avoid buying malfunctioning , non-durable equipment.
The core raw materials for carton making is plastic, polyethylene or paperboard but paperboard is the most common. Other raw materials include printing inks, wire, gum or glue. It does not cost much for someone to get to learn how to make paperboard cartons. However, here are some useful tips for anyone wanting to learn the art.
First of all, print all that is required on the cardboard paper sheets before other things. Cut the paperboards to the required sizes by means of the cutting machine, and then using the cutting and creasing machine, make lines on the paperboards. Fold them along the given lines and finally either glue/gum the folded sides or stitch them by means of the stitching machine.
Practical demonstration is still necessary for complete mastery of production techniques. Once the art of carton making is acquired, the tactics of marketing to users should be learnt for you to be fully in business.
A small business guide, which will incorporate the production techniques, market destinations, profit projections and other pertinent information, could be prepared for prospective investors. The investment profile of a cottage carton making business may include; pre-investments – $1,000; factory space – $800; machinery and equipment – $5,000; working capital – $500 bringing it to the total investment to $7,300 only.