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Discovering the Gold Deposit around You

January 2, 2013 was a public holiday following the New Year celebration. It was a day I set aside to relax and to also put one or two things together in preparation to resume full business activities for the year.  Shortly after the morning devotion with my family, I gave an instruction that I do not want to be disturbed or receive any visitor.

Immediately after my breakfast, I moved to my study room with a cup of tea and an inspirational book I received from my friend as a Christmas gift. As I was reading through the first chapter of the book, I received a text message on my phone from a friend who resigned his appointment with a bank a few months ago and traveled to London with his family in search of a job, an extract of the text message read thus: “Clem, I got to London before I realized I can become what I wanted in life right where I was without coming to London!”

My heart went out for him. I was pondering over this message when I dosed off. Within a few minutes of my sleep, I found myself in a scene that appeared like a dream. Inside the panorama, I was negotiating with a young man who wanted me to buy his house and other household items so that he could raise money to embark on a journey in search of wealth, apparently he did not realize that he has some treasures deposited in the land he built the house on.

After a very long time of negotiation, I agreed to buy the house at a relatively cheap price. Before packing there, I had to do some renovation, so I called a mason to work on the house.

As the mason was digging a hole to erect a pillar on one side of the wall; he suddenly started shouting Gold! Gold!! Gold!!! I rushed to where he was digging to be sure the guy did not suddenly run mad. But to my greatest surprise, there was a glittering surface that hosted a large deposit of Gold.

I discovered a strong source of wealth right in my apartment. Soon after that, I became wealthy as I started trading on the commodity. All known Kings and Queens of this world suddenly became my friends.

What a loss! Had the young man known that he had what could make him a rich man right in his apartment, maybe he would not have sold the house to me. This was the message that lasted when I suddenly woke up from my sleep.

When I realized that it was just but a dream, I was sad not only because the wealth I possessed in the sleep was a mere imagination but because I knew that many of us have lost the possession of our Gold deposit ignorantly which is why many of you are not financially fulfilled on the job or business you are doing.

I immediately knelt down to pray and God confirmed to me that why he took me round the journey was to warn me not to carelessly dispose of my own gold deposit and to also remind me that I have around me what it takes to be what I want in life. 

From that very day on, my prayer has always been that “God should give me wisdom not to carelessly dispose of my own gold deposit and to also give me the wisdom to spot opportunity that will navigate me to the millionaires’ club”.

I have decided to share this vision with my readers because I know there are many people today that have sold their own gold deposit ignorantly in search of a make-believe wealth.  Many people have mortgage their time for employment that does not pay them well enough to live well; even when they realize that God has deposited some gold in them to be an entrepreneur.

Some have travelled out of their country leaving abundance in their own country. There are even some that have allowed their creative ideas to die inside them without converting them to money making business.

Have you wondered for just a day that before your employer can pay you a single naira, he must have made a thousand of that out of your efforts? No matter how much that job is paying you now, it certainly cannot make you a rich man or woman. 

A friend once told me that, ‘a rich man is that one that does not know how much he has in his bank account’. I agree with his definition completely. Does your job give you such a huge amount that you cannot remember how much you have in the bank account? If YES, then thank God for your life!

No matter what your own gold deposit signifies, you must begin to repossess from those that have purchase it. Because, this year is a year of harvest and abundance opportunities for entrepreneurs and this column is an avenue to discover the deposit of entrepreneurship in you.

The interpretation I have for gold deposit is vast; it include your talents, your freedom, your time, your competence, your courage, those creative ideas of yours and all forms of endowment and potentials, which could form a platform to develop the entrepreneurship in you.

I learnt long ago from a retired old man who served his employer for more than 25 years that an employee who receives wages or salary cannot be as rich as his contemporary that share profit from his investment or business.  He explained further that the children of employees can only inherit the plaque presented by the employers to their parents as long service award whereas the children of the employers will inherit the investment made out of employees’ long service.

There are many of you today that are wondering how to spot business opportunities or identify your potentials and talents.  You work all your life helping others to build their businesses. Many of you do not believe that opportunities to become successful entrepreneurs still exist.

Some people have been in business for so many years but yet to break through. Some of you on paid employment have put more than twenty years in an organization and yet you are still living miserably even when it is glaring that you could do better if you start your own business.

The problem is not because there are no opportunities again, but how to discover them. There are so many opportunities now than ever that are wasting away because you lack the wisdom to identify the treasure around you.

Though it appears that the downturn is biting harder, many people are still making it, new businesses are springing up. So what are you waiting for? There is no better time than now. It doesn’t matter how much you have, just start with the little and new doors will be open to you.

Stop complaining, the opportunities to get rich are just within your reach, the little you have is really a gold deposit that can transform into a multi-billion dollar business. The free weekend you are wasting is a gold deposit to start something reasonable.

That uncommon talent you have is a gold deposit which could be commercialized to make money; the idea you are nursing in your heart right now require just a little push before it begin to fetch you millions of dollars.


sunny said…
Nice piece, i like it. You might want to check this site:

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