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Fear is Fake!!!

Fear is a state of confusion. It a state of hopelessness. Fear cripples, fear destroys.  It rendered a strongman weak. It rendered potent man impotent. It makes a rich man poor. Fear kills!
There was a Youngman, he loves cooking so much, so he decided and picked a job with a restaurant in his city.  It was a big restaurant that offers late services. His job was to cook soup on a daily basis from 8am to 5pm.
He loves meat so much. Whenever he was preparing soup for the restaurant, he will steal pieces of meat from the soup. He did this on daily basis.  One day, he went to work very early and found chickens in the restaurant store. He cannot remember when last he had eaten chicken and chicken happens to be his best meat.
He look around to see if anybody was around. There was nobody in sight. He look to the left, right and back, there was no body watching him. He caught one of the chicken, twist its neck, hide it under his clothes and went back home.
He cooked the chicken and eat every bit of it. He sat down and reflected over how tasty the chicken was. He said to himself “wow!, stolen chicken is sweeter than a purchase chicken”. He went back to work and have a filled day in the restaurant.
The next day he went to work as usual, he has a hectic day as there was more customers than usual. By 5pm, which was his closing time, he was really exhausted. As he was preparing to leave, his colleague, an old man that was supposed to take over from him walked in.
“Hi Johnny, how was your day?” the old man greeted.
“My day was hectic, but at least I am going home now”, Johnny responded.
“That is why I am here early Johnnny. Please you will do me a favour. I don’t feel strong enough so I want you to run my shift for me”, the old man narrated.
“No way, I can’t. I’m too tired”, Johnny protested.
He took his coat and was about to leave, then the old man tapped him on the shoulder, wrapped his hand around his neck and whispers to his ear; “I saw you when you stole that chicken yesterday, so run my shift for me or I’ll tell the boss what you did yesterday”.
Johnny was demoralized, what he thought nobody saw him is now out. He didn’t want to loose his job so he agreed to run the shift for his colleague.
The next day, Johnny wish he would stay at home, but he has to be at work. He dragged himself to the restaurant and performed his duties.  When it was time for him to close, the old man came again. “Johnny, I don’t feel strong enough to work today, so please run my shift for me and I wont tell the boss what you did”.
Johnny has no choice than to work overnight for the old man. This continue for two weeks. Johnny was dying slowly as he was not getting enough sleep nor resting. He became peel and weak. It got to a stage that the old man will only come in and say “remember the chicken”, and he would walk out and close for the day.
Johnny decided enough is enough, he can no longer hold on. He has to confess everything he has done to their boss. He went to work and walk straight to their boss office. He kneeled before his boss shivering like a baby suffering from cold. “Sir, he started. I’ve sin. I stole a chicken in the restaurant store and I’ve been stealing from the restaurant soup, but I’m sorry, I’m ready to pay back everything I’ve stole even if it means working without pay”.
“I know what you’ve done and has been doing”, the boss said. “I was only wondering how long you will allow the old man to run you down. I’ve forgiving you for everything you’ve done, you can return to work”.
Johnny left his boss office very excited, it was as if a big rock has been lifted off his head. He return to his duty post and sin no more.
That day, the old man came in and shouted “remember the chicken!”.
Johnny shouted back “no more chicken”, that he is no longer going to run the old man’s shift for him.
“I’m going to tell the boss what you’ve done”, the old man said.
“Go ahead, because I’ve already told him what I’ve done”, Johnny said proudly.
The old man has nothing else to use than to resumed his work. From that day on, Johnny was in control of his life.
Have you stole from your office, your neighbour’s house, your parents? What crime have you committed that is tormenting you? Confess to the Lord God Almighty to forgive you. It is written that ‘he is just and ready to forgive, when you call on him’.
It doesn’t matter what you believe, God is one and he is everywhere. As you are reading this blog, God is just beside you, confess to Him now and he will cleanse and forgive  you your sins. No sin is too small or too great for God to forgive.
Don’t allow the devil to hold you captive with fear and to torment you for what God already knows and is ready to forgive you when you ask Him.
Fear is fake, because most times what you fear most doesn’t exist. The devil knows this and use it to destroy many people. Now that you know, don’t be a victim anymore.


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