There are two classes of people around
us. Those that believed it is impossible for a salary earner to retire rich and
those who believe it is possible; which class do you belong to?
The difference between these two
classes of people is what they believed in. What you believe in has a lot to do
with what you achieve. If you believe that, it is not possible to retire rich,
then, don’t waste your time reading this book, give it away to somebody you
know will appreciate its content, and it will not be long, you will go to the
same person to borrow from him or her. By then, it will be too late for you;
because, “you cannot eat your cake and
have it.”
But if you really want to benefit from
this book, you will first of all believe that what you are going to read here
will lead you to retiring financially rich! Therefore, changing your negative
believes about retiring rich is a must for your dream of retiring rich to
become a reality.
Before now, you have told yourself that
it is impossible to retire rich and that belief controlled your life, regulated
your spending habit and finally imprisoned you.
Now as you are going to see the light, your former believes will still
resist you except you do something about it.
What really defeats a man in life is
not often times his situation, but his believes about the situation. You cannot
maintain your former belief and experience change in your life. Without a
positive change in your thinking, all your efforts to change your life for good
will be in vain.
You need to picture the possibility of
you retiring rich and working towards it before it will become a reality. What
you cannot believe, you cannot become, what you cannot picture, you cannot
capture. There is no amount of
persuasion that can help you do anything when you have already concluded within
you that it cannot be possible.
Before you can be free from financial
bondage, you must first and foremost lose yourself from your negative thinking,
or the philosophy that has guided you all these years. You cannot grow beyond
your thought life says Napoleon. There has to be a change in your thought
before you can experience a change in your real life.
Retiring rich is a mission impossible
with a poverty mentality. The greatest
problem of a man is his wrong believes. “I can’t do it” mentality is why you
will never do it.
There is a mysterious relationship
between a man’s belief and what he can achieve in his life. There is nobody that cannot retire rich, but
we can only have people who won’t retire rich.
The word “can’t” has to do with your ability, while the word “won’t” has
to do with your attitude. The problem is
not that you don’t have the ability, but your wrong thinking is your only
Don’t concentrate your thoughts on the
reasons why you can’t retire rich, rather concentrate your thoughts on the
reasons why you should retire rich. Don’t allow your mind to work against you
but rather allow it to work in favor of your dreams. “The
poor man thinks himself into poverty, but the rich man thinks himself into
riches”. Your thought pattern will
determine your lifestyle.
If there is any of your friend who
tells you your dream of retiring rich is not possible, just know that you have
outgrown that relationship. Make sure
you change your friends who don’t encourage your new vision because “twenty
friends cannot remain friends for twenty years.”
One different factor between the rich
and the poor is in the company they keep.
You cannot escape the effect of the association you keep, because no
association leaves you neutral. When you
associate with an investor, you will learn to invest, and if you associate
yourself with a spender, you will equally learn to spend. Don’t keep company
with somebody who is not doing well financially because of overspending, lest
you learn his ways.
The time you spend in the company of
consumers (friends who love pleasure), use that time instead and stay with
businessmen to learn business wisdom. I’m not saying you should not enjoy
yourself, what is life without enjoyment. But all I’m saying is don’t make it a
habit (every night out, everyday out?).
Until you change some particular
friends of yours, your life can never move forward – quote me. Your associates
will shape your style of thinking, and your style of thinking will determine
your style of living.
To breakthrough, you must break away
from some of your “negative thinking” friends. You don’t need everybody as your
friend, but everybody needs you as a friend because of what you know such as
the book you’re reading now.
You only need the right friends. Right
friends can only be determined by what you are pursuing per time. And until you
and your friends can see the same thing, go the same direction, and the same
lifestyle. Because it is purpose that determines relationship.
Be careful of whom you take financial
advice from; before listening seriously to any man on financial matters, you
must be sure that he or she has made it financially. In my own case, though I’m
not retired, at the age of thirty-four, I have earned millions, online and
offline. I must say I’m enjoying a fulfilled life.
If anybody tells you that what I have
written in this book is not correct, please ask him or her to tell you the path
that he knows will lead you to retiring rich.
It is not enough to know what is not correct, you should also know what
is correct. We are not looking for who
is right or wrong, we are only looking for the truth that will guide us to
retire rich.
Every poor man believes in poverty
while every rich man believes in riches.
That is why before you can change a man, you must first change what he
believes. The thinking pattern of the man who will retire poor and the one who
will retire rich is not just different, but is the opposite direction. While one believes it is possible for him to
retire rich, the other thinks it is impossible.
What they believe will eventually become their experience. Your future
resides as a baby in your mental picture today, tomorrow is today’s mental
picture grown up.
All financial improvements in your life
comes from changing your believes about yourself and your possibilities. Anytime your mind is one hundred percent made
up on any matter, you will begin to notice opportunities and possibilities to
achieve it.
It is one thing to pray about something,
but it is entirely a different thing to believe that your prayers have been answered. Many know how to pray but only few people
believe their prayers and only those few get the answer to their prayers.
It is one thing to have the vision of
retiring rich, but the battle is in believing in its attainment. What you believe about how you will end up
has a mysterious connection with how you will really end up.
To retire rich, you must believe that
it is possible for you to retire rich, no matter what the government or the
economy is saying.
My father taught this to his two
younger brothers and my uncles taught me to keep it at heart and prepare well
for my retirement. It was unfortunate my father did not live long to teach them
to me, but I was fortunate to have caring uncles. Though some of them
squandered my father’s wealth as we the children were too young to manage it, I
do not hold any grudges against any of them. For if you keep somebody in the
prison of your heart, you may not realize that you are that prisoner.
My two uncles retired rich, while my
other three uncles who refused to learn my father’s lessons got stricken down
with poverty after retirement. Two had died in the process, while the remaining
one and his children are rather a burden to us.
It takes your believes to connect the
wealth of this earth, because until you believe that you can retire rich, the
wisdom to retire rich will not be revealed to you – for a closed mind is a
closed destiny.
Whatever you don’t desire, you don’t
deserve. “The journey to retire rich begins with a great desire to retire
rich”. The starting point of any great
achievement is the desire to be great.
Desiring to be rich is the seed of financial riches.
Doubt is one of the greatest enemies of
mankind. “Every great achievement in life has its root in possibility thinking”. Until you come to a point in your mind where
you know it is possible to retire rich, if not, you can’t taste it.
“The thought of a man is the mysterious force in man that can make
him poor or rich depending on his mental positioning”. It is not the economy or the location
or the government but your mind. The
wealthiest place on earth is your mind, please harness it very well.