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Viral Marketing

Marketing the world over has undergone series of changes just like any other sector of our socio-economic life. From a primitive trade by barter to an organise technology driven system, the latest in marketing being viral marketing, driven by high broadband internet connectivity. Marketers from many of the largest corporations are increasingly using the internet for viral marketing. When Procter & Gamble, GM, Pepsi and most of the world’s largest brands use the internet, it opens the door and reduces the perceived risk.

The term “viral marketing” was originally invented to describe’s email practice of including advertising for itself in outgoing mail from its users. The idea is that if an advertisement reaches a susceptible user, that person will become “infected” (i.e. become a customer or advocate) and can then go on to infect other susceptible users. As long as each infected user contacts more than one susceptible user on average, then the number of infected users will grow fast. was developed by Microsoft, and is one of the first free web-based email services. Its strategy is simple. It gives away free email addresses and services with a simple tag at the bottom of every free message: “Get your private, free email at”. People then forward this email to their own network of friends and associates, who see the message and sign up for their own free email service. This then keeps the cycle going, creating an ever-increasing circle of contacts, like a pebble quickly creating ripples in a pond.

Viral marketing has several key elements:
• Give away valuable products or services. Most viral marketing programmes give away valuable products or services to attract attention. Viral marketers may not profit immediately, but they know that if they can generate interest from something “free”, they will profit soon.
• Ensure ease of transfer or transmission to others. Viruses only spread when they are easy to transmit. The medium that carries your marketing message must be easy to transfer and replicate: for example, email, website, or software downloads. Viral marketing works online because instant communication is easy and inexpensive.
• Provide simplicity. Marketing messages always work best when they are simple and compelling. Viral marketing messages need to be simple enough to be transmitted easily and without confusion.
• Exploit people’s motivations. Clever viral marketing campaigns recognise that people want to be connected, cool, popular, or understood. As a result, people produce web logs and forward emails and web addresses. So, design a marketing strategy that builds on common motivations and behaviours for its transmission.
• Use existing networks. People are social, and network marketers have long understood the power of human networks, both the strong, close networks and the weaker networked relationships. Use these networks to communicate your message.
• Benefit from other’s resources. Create viral marketing plans use other people’s resources to communicate. For example, affiliate programmes place text or graphic links on websites, while authors give away free articles or establish web links.


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