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Greatness Does not Come by Chance

Growing up and doing it on time is a responsibility everyone must personally accept. Responsibility is accepted when one realized that; no one can succeed for another person. Everyone must succeed for himself. Everyone must impact his generation himself. It should be made clear that no one can help someone else more than that person can help him or herself. For example, the best prayer anybody can pray for you is the one you pray for yourself. The best advice anybody can give you is the one you give yourself. The best compliment anyone can pay you is the one you pay yourself. The best love you can receive from anyone is the one you receive from yourself.

To abandon yourself to external help and input is to abandon yourself to helplessness, frustration and failure. The future you do not prepare for, does not exist. A life left to chance is a life left to fail. You do not fly your way to greatness in life; you work your way to greatness giving it everything you’ve got to create a future you desire in life.

The most reliable person on earth is God, every other person is subject to change. Looking up to man or depending on man, frustrates the full release of your potentials.

Working yourself to greatness require persistence. There is awesome power in persistence. I realised that a dam that is put under persistent pressure must break. A wall that is brought under persistent pressure must break. Breakthrough in every realm of life happens by the power of persistence. The full potential of both people and things are realised by the power of persistence.

Many fail to reach their peak in life for want of persistency. Persistence in your dreams, visions, desires etc must eventually produce greatness.

My counsel is, keep on doing what you know is right whether you see immediate results or not, because; the energy and efforts you put in something in your life are never lost. A result many times is a product of the synergy of energy.

Oppositions always give way for persistent pressure. To achieve greatness in your life, you must work for it. And in doing it, you must be persistent in whatever you are doing. It may take long, but someday, the result it will produce will surprise you. Be determine to achieve, be persistent and you will achieve it! Don’t wait for manna to fall down from heaven, because, there is no more manna in heaven - work yourself to greatness.


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