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Retirement is a must for any human being; whether you are working in the public or private sector, there will come a day that you will retire either because of old age or sickness. You would retire one day whether you like or not, no matter what you do to earn a living.
In the game of life, what you know is superior to where you live or what kind of work you do.  In this era, the most sought after and most valued commodity is not precious stones, oil, nor a well paid job with job security, but INFORMATION.

There are two classes of people around us. Those that believed it is impossible for a salary earner to retire rich and those who believe it is possible, which class do you belong to?
The difference between these two classes of people is what they believed in. What you believe in has a lot to do with what you achieve. If you believe that it is not possible to retire rich, then, don’t waste your time reading this article.
What really defeats a man in life is not often times his situation, but his believes about the situation. Without a positive change in your thinking, all your efforts to change your life for good will be in vain. You need to picture the possibility of you retiring rich and working towards it before it will become a reality. What you cannot believe, you cannot become, what you cannot picture, you cannot capture.  There is no amount of persuasion that can help you do anything when you have already concluded within you that it cannot be possible.

Before you will be free from financial bondage, you must first and foremost lose yourself from your negative thinking, or the philosophy that has guided you all these years. You cannot grow beyond your thought life says Napoleon. There has to be a change in your thought before you can experience a change in your real life.

Retiring rich is a mission impossible with a poverty mentality.  The greatest problem of a man is his wrong thinking. “I can’t do it” mentality is why you will never do it. 
There is a mysterious relationship between a man’s belief and what he can achieve in his life.  There is nobody that cannot retire rich, but we can only have people who won’t retire rich.  The word “can’t” has to do with your ability, while the word “won’t” has to do with your attitude.  The problem is not that you don’t have the ability, but your wrong thinking is your only obstacle.

Every poor man believes in poverty while every rich man believes in riches.  That is why before you can change a man, you must first change what he believes. The thinking pattern of the man who will retire poor and the one who will retire rich is not just different, but is the opposite direction.  While one believes that it is possible for him to retire rich, the other thinks it is impossible.  What they believe will eventually become their experience. Your future resides as a baby in your mental picture today, tomorrow is today’s mental picture grown up.

It is one thing to pray about something but it is entirely a different thing to believe that your prayers have been answered.  Many know how to pray but only few people believe their prayers and only those few get the answer to their prayers.
It is one thing to have the vision of retiring rich, but the battle is in believing in its attainment.  What you believe about how you will end up has a mysterious connection with how you will really end up.

It takes your believe to connect the wealth of this earth, because until you believe that you can retire rich, the wisdom to retire rich will not be revealed to you – for a closed mind is a closed destiny.

Whatever you don’t desire, you don’t deserve. The journey to retire rich begins with a great desire to retire rich.  The starting point of any great achievement is the desire to be great.  Desiring to be rich is the seed of financial riches.
A financially successful man is an ordinary man who has developed an extra ordinary money saving skills. What make you rich is not how much you make alone, but how much you are able to save.
The secret to retiring rich after serving your employer faithfully is to make sure you save a minimum of 20% of your monthly income for your retirement and reinvest the money in a profit yielding venture in order to build your business capital.

Your financial success as an income earner will never rise above your ability to save money. Planning and controlling your monthly expenditures in such a way that you must have a portion to put into your RETIREMENT FUNDS, which you are building for your future through savings is another name for budgeting.
Nobody has ever retired rich accidentally before, neither can an income earner become genuinely rich by luck but through savings. Unless if your father died leaving you with a huge sum of money at your retirement, if you don’t save, you will find yourself in penury. Even if your father or relative died leaving you with an entire empire, it will not take long before you will go broke, because you don’t know how to save money. Saving is part of management. If you can’t manage what you have, you can go broke before “noon”!
Fickle fate is a vicious goddess who brings no permanent good to anyone.  On the contrary, she brings ruin to almost every man upon whom she showers unearned gold.  She makes wanton spenders who soon dissipate all they receive and are left beset by overwhelming appetites and desires they have not the ability to gratify” – G. S. Clason
Many of you squandered your monthly salary hoping to depend on pension and gratuity when you retired. Don’t fool yourself, pension are never regular these days, besides, by the time you will start getting your pension, inflation might have swallow the value of your pension. You are aware that many people have died in the process of waiting for their pension, how sure are you that you will not be the next victim? I have seen many of our great private/public service officers who were once “big boys” in town now begging for bread, it is disheartening.
The Bible says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”; knowledge is acquired through information. So share this article with friends, you will never know, the information contain therein might change their lives for the best.


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