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The last financial crisis or meltdown experienced across the world, signify to us that anything can happen especially when you are a job seeker (employee) rather than a job provider (employer). With each passing day, more and more people dream of a viable business to contain the high cost of living.
            As an employee, it is difficult to make ends meet in most times. Getting paid today and being broke the next day is not healthy for a good life.  How to guard against such a situation is therefore the best bet.  You may wish to start a business, either on part time or full time. You have skills you can develop into a viable business if you can harness it.
            I may work ten hours a day, but I still find time to offer my services as a web programmer or as a writer to my clients.  The Internet provide a lot of opportunities these days to work on part time and make real money while still maintaining your full time job. You can sign up for free at,  or These are one-stop shop for professionals like you who are providing services to a wide clientele around the globe, make real money and possibly retaining their full-time job.
            You lack the ability to run a business? (Then take this SALE AND HIRING course) You are not alone. The key is to move beyond your doubts and envision what your life would be like when you have your own successful business. Don’t mind how you start; begin with the end in mind. No matter how small the business is at the beginning, it will someday become a multinational company. Start with what you have and “persist” ahead. But be sure to start with a good and well written business plan that will guide you in achieving success in your business - TAKE A TWELVE TO SUCCESS TRAINING.
            Money doesn’t grow on trees, real wealth is created from profits and not wages and you already know the source of profits = businesses! We all have talents and skills that would surely benefit others but we often take it for granted. Once you have identified what type of business you want to start based on your skills, your focus should be on marketing and other essential business related activities (women are not left out in business these days).
            Having a fulltime job in addition to running a business part time can be demanding. We all have a number of things that demand our time, but we must find ways to manage our time. The same 24hours is giving to everybody equally, what you do with your time determines how far you’ll get in life.
            Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifice to put your ideas into reality? Then you need to start a business. The money you make from providing value to others will benefit those close to you. Take time to reward your family and friends for their patience and tolerance while you work on your dreams. And even better, you can show them how to start their own businesses, so that they too will realize that the way to wealth is through profit from business, not wages.


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