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The Hydrological Cycle

In nature, there is a cycle which brings great blessing to the earth. It is known as the hydrological cycle. It takes two process, through evaporation and rainfall.
In evaporation, water evaporates from the oceans and lakes, then rises in the air mass and forms clouds. Then the moisture condenses and comes down as rain to water the earth. This makes the land fruitful and productive. The excess rainfall overflows back to the lakes and oceans where it comes from and this process begins again.
In business, the products or services you are offering to the market has its cycle that it must follow. The theoretical aspect which also applies in the practical starts from the initiation/development of such a product or service to its introduction, growth, maturity, saturation and decline. Once it gets to the declining stage, the product or service has completed its cycle and must start all over again.
This hydrological cycle has to be understood by every business man or woman and anybody that wants to live a meaningful life as this applies in both. The earth itself is round, so if you are to go round it, there will surely come a day that you will complete the journey. So what will you do next? Stretch the earth? No! you can’t, but you can start all over again.
So if you have attained a height and operated at the highest level in business or society and you are now at the low peak of business or life, it doesn’t mean the end of things, but the beginning. It is not the time to complain, it means, it is time for you to begin once more.
Even the ladder of leadership that each of us want to attain or the political tussle experience in the present times, when you get to the top where it ends, you can never remain there forever, you will have to get down for others to also get up.
Business has its ups and downs, for sure, but it does not mean the dead end. You have to understand the cycle of what you are selling or producing to know when to get going, change or start all over again.
I had an opportunity to counsel a man I met in an eatery in Maitama, we sat on the same table and I discover that even though he had a mouth watering plate of rice before him, he was not eating. I have to mind my business as the society demand these days; but it was not long before the man started muttering words to himself as if talking to an invisible being I was not opportune to see.
Something just pushed me to also mind somebody’s else business by asking my table counterpart a question.
“Sir, I’m sorry if I am interfering, but if you don’t mind, there is a saying that a problem shared is a problem at least half solved”. He was reluctant at the beginning but seeing the genuine concern in my eyes, he narrated his ordeal.
He was a civil servant and also had a shop where he sales building materials. He brought his two brothers to be managing his shop for him while he concentrate on his job that gave him his capital in the first place.
According to him, he was preparing for his retirement through that shop. But unfortunately his brothers connived and rundown the shop and disappear in the tin air. As if that was not enough, he was dismissed from service for something, which according to him, “he knew nothing about”.
Here he was, with a plate of well-prepared rice with no appetite to eat. I was sympathetic about his ordeal, since I have no money to give him, which according to him, “he needs desperately”.
However, I told him it is not too late to start all over again; in fact it is just the beginning of a new great achievement. He asked me how he is going to do that without money. I told him to start with an idea, he has friends, colleague and other people he knows that can sponsor his idea if it can also make money for them. So with what he makes, he can start something no matter how small.
I told him this and left the table when I discovered he was getting to a point of becoming angry with me.
That was a year and two months ago. Recently I went to Neighbourhood Shopping Centre to buy something, I met this man spending real money buying electronics. Curious to find out if it was really him, I approach him and excused him.
“Yes, young man how can I help you?” was his reply. Is like we met somewhere sometime ago, in an eatery in Maitama. “Oh! The angel, he exclaimed; I thought you were an angel God sent to save me from my misery”.
I told him I was not an angel but a mere being like him. To cut a long story short, he started with an idea, which according to him is his “third big hit in the idea business”. Right now, he has bought a new house and “he is in the market to fill it with the best electronics”.
Is this luck or determination? Well, he refused to quit, because he believe it is possible to make it again. Know that, in everything you are doing, a time will come that you will either have to change position or begin all over again. Be negative, but think positive.


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