Can your integrity and character recognize each other if they meet in the dark? I want you to ponder over this question, have an answer to it before continuing the reading of this article.
Let me asked you in another way, ‘can somebody believe you for who you are?’ Do you keep your words? If you promise to do something, do you keep your promise?
These are very vital questions that deal directly with your integrity, reputation and character. They determine how your customers, friends, colleagues and even family members look at you.
If you made a promise to your child, keep it. Don’t underrate him/her. Because, what they see you doing as a father or mother, they will eventually follow suit. It is better not to promise than promise and fail to keep it.
If you know what you are promising is not possible for you to keep, apologize to the person and explain why you can’t keep your promise. It may hurt initially, but the pains can be easily absorbed more than that of disappointment.
If you promised a customer to deliver his/her goods on a particular time or date, do it. If due to some issues you can’t address before the delivery time or date, call your customer and explain to him/her, don’t wait until it is time to deliver before you will start bringing excuses why you will not be able to deliver.
These things go along way in building your credibility. Once a customer has a reason to doubt you, he/she will never buy or refer anyone to you. This will tell on your business sooner or later. Good credibility can bring you good business and money too.
I remember an incident that happened on 29th April 2010, I was just dozing off out of exhaustion from stress my printer was giving me concerning one of my books. The launching of the book was on 30th April 2010 and my printer has not even started sorting out the book for binding.
Out of frustration and anger, I went home to cool off my head and in the process, an unknown number called my phone number, asked to speak to Clement. I told him I am Clement. He referred me to a project I did for him on the Internet as a consultant.
What was the reason for this man’s call? As an international consultant, you bid for projects on professional websites, when you win the bid, you execute the project and you get paid (no geographical barrier).
I have done a project on market research on establishing bulk SMS for this man and delivered on the exact time I promised. As an Internet and Information Marketer, I advertise my information products online. It was one of my adverts that this man saw and called to be sure I was the person. After the confirmation, he told me he was going to buy my products because he trusts me that his money will not disappear in the tin air.
True to his words, he bought products worth $1,200 on 30th April 2010, he text (SMS) me, I confirmed the transaction with my bank, then, I sent him his products to his email address.
See what a single act of credibility can bring. When I was writing this article, I gave my friend to proof read it for me and almost loose him. He was very angry with me that I have been making money on the Internet and refused to teach him.
Let me be greedy for once, I really want to believe that I am actually earning this money, not a dream before I will open my big mouth to tell you about it.
Your integrity is worth more than money. In fact, your integrity is money in itself, so never trade it for anything less than the truth. In so doing, you will not only be making money, you will leave behind a legacy that the next generation will live on.