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Harnessing the benefits of Internet for your business

Internet, e-commerce, e-business, cyber-commerce or whatever you choose to call it, has come to stay. In the real sense, Internet is embracing comprising so many units such as e-business, e-shopping, e-health, e-mail and all the Es.
Internet is a technology that has accelerated the way business is conducted. It has enhanced the way business transactions are carried out more than any technology that has ever been invented. In fact Internet is invented for business. The world over, Internet is accepted more than football.
Internet has increased the profitability of many companies from zero percent to ninety-nine percent. The Internet has made millionaires from “dumb heads” more than the best medical device can do. In this age, if you are not utilisation the benefits of Internet for your business, you are operating twenty-three hours behind the clock.
How well is your business benefiting from this money minting technology? This is a question I know that will put many of you at the excuse angle. Because as simple as it seems, it triggers fear and anxiety.
For you to succeed in business, you must be ready to change when it becomes obvious that you cannot remain where you were and succeed. And if you ask me, I will tell you it is obvious that if you remain where you are in this era of information and communication technology, you will soon be put out of business by the least competitor who is ready to adopt the technology.
I have come to realize that, many people would have taken a decision that will not only change their fortune, but the entire country if they have access to some vital information that will aid them. And many people fear certain things because they lack the knowledge on such issues. No wonder the Holy Book says “my people perish for lack of knowledge”.
Consumers are looking for convenience, speed, reliability and accessibility. The Internet give all these to the consumers who are ever yearning for more satisfaction. With these yearnings of consumers that must be meet for you to remain in business, you must use the technology that do it all; the Internet.
In my discussion with some businesses around the state, I discovered that most business people are afraid that the technology cost too much and is very difficult to maintain. No wonder, I have seen just a handful of companies in Africa that consumers can sit in the comfort of their homes and buy from them online.
The cost and difficulties in the technology are all fallacy compared to the immeasurable benefits and profit you will derived in offering the “ICT consumers” what they want.
It is time to leave your competitors behind. But you can only achieve that if you know what they don’t know. You can only achieve that if you are superior to them in terms of technology, and Internet offer you that technology that will set you apart.


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