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Where to get Ideas that will put Money into your pocket

Ideas it is said, rules the world. This statement is as true as the spoken words of God. Ideas put food on the table, ideas puts money in the pocket. Ideas sets one apart from the crowd. Ideas are vital ingredients that the soup of this world cannot do without.
So where can you get ideas that will put money into your pocket? The first place to get good ideas is within you. You hear me right – within you is full of ideas that can make you one of the richest person the world has ever known.
Lets look at it this way, when God created the world, did He created us with the cars we drive today? Okay, lets look at it another way, when God created us, did He created us with the light bulb we are using today? I am sure you are understanding yourself now. When God created us, did He created us with the computer?
So if God did not created us with these things, where did they come from? They were all hidden within us. Some hundred years back, Henry Ford has an idea within him that he wants people to be moving on a fast speed using a mechanical device. That idea give birth to the cars we are using today.
Some many many years back, Thomas Edison who move into London from his remote village and was sleeping in a train station had an idea within him that he wants an object that can produce light that will lighten the dark of the night. That idea give birth to the electric bulb we use in our houses and offices today.
In the 70s Gary Kildall has an idea of making things easier for people, he developed a standard operating system, which Bill Gate bought the copyright that made what computer is today. So the first place to look for ideas that will put money into your pocket is within you. What you love doing most, if you ponder on that and look within you, you will find an idea that will spark the plug of money minting in you.
The second place to look for ideas that will put money into your pocket is in books. Books holds the key to good ideas right from the time Israel were still wandering in the wilderness. You can get that in the book of Joshua 1:8.
Books are library of knowledge, books are visible hidden treasures. Books are the light that must be open to discover its shining nature. Books are printed words that can never die.
If you want to get good ideas, buys books and read books. Read books of your interest and once in a while, read outside your interest zone – the idea you are looking for might just be in the next book beside you.
The third place to generate ideas is the atmosphere around you. The tense or cool atmosphere around you can give you an idea that will change your fortune for life. Like me, the best time I get ideas for writing or business is when I am taking a walk, how absurd! And most a times when I am lying on my bed quietly without any noise or distraction. Yours may be different, but, the atmosphere in which you find yourself could give you your next “hit” idea.
Another place where to get a good idea is in people’s conversation. When some people are talking, listen attentively, it is either a prophecy or a message that will change your life. They may not even know that what they are saying is to promote you. It is left for you to listen very well and understand the deep meaning of such words.
So whatever idea you need to succeed, they are not hiding far from you. They are not caged by any mystical power, they are right within you and around you. Search and you will discover it right under your nose.


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