Taking charge is being in control of a situation. When you’re in control, you are in charge and that gives you confidence to strive. When you take care, you are faced with the challenge of choosing the safer side. This put one in a more vulnerable position than necessary.
I often hear people telling others to “take care”. Robert Schuller says “people who take care never gets anywhere”. This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth; so what you need to do is to “take charge”. Until you take charge, you won’t get anywhere in anything you are doing.
When you take care, often times you avoid risks that would have raked millions into your bank account. Business itself is risk! You need to take reasonable risk to achieve what you want in life. Life and everything in this world have an element of risk and that is just the way it is.
In business, the higher the risk a proposal or deal has, the higher the tendency of making huge profit. If you get scared of risk and settle for a business idea that has less risk, be prepared to also settle for less profit. This is how the world operates. If you want it big, then, be bold enough to face the big risk. “If you want to eat a frog, better eat a big one”. You can only achieve this by taking charge, not taking care.
Many people want to start their own business, be their own boss, but they are not ready to take charge of the situation. Rather, they take care; they don’t want to leave their comfort zone – their paid job. And if you really want to enjoy a lasting wealth, you must own a business that provide services or product that people need. With this in place, you will get genuine and lasting wealth that you will leave for your generation yet unborn.
The in-thing now is politics. Everybody believes politics is where all the money is. But don’t forget that all the money the politicians are “spending" about is derived from products and services, one being crude oil. Besides, this money is not earned genuinely in most cases. And whatever you earn out of people’s sweat or by “looting”, sooner than later, it will vanish in thin air.
2011 is almost coming to an end, many failures and successes are witnessed. Be it failure or success, it has give us cause to look ahead with hope – since there is life. I made my own mistakes, enjoyed a lot of privileges and record successes. I’m happy to inform you that, a river may seem so deep and dangerous, but if you really want to cross to the other side, there will be a boat waiting to take you across.
You just need to take charge of your fears and be ready to move ten steps ahead in your life before this year comes to an end.